Ella measures: 25.5 inches
Milestones this month:
-crawling on her knees!
-reaches for things when crawling
-moves things back and forth between hands
-sitting up all by herself for short periods of time
-going from sitting to crawling position
-finds things that have been "hidden"
Ella loves:
-crawling to explore new spaces, if she knows we have purposely blocked an area off she is all over it
-checking to make sure she has an audience as she crawls towards new spaces
-sticking her thumb into the paci of her wubbanub Gerald
-chewing on those thick straps, high-chair, car seat, she finds them all
-pulling on any string or stretchy band she can get her hands on
-eating anything from her mesh feeder
-carrot puree
-patting everything to see what it does, she loves her pop-up toys
-playing Peek-a-Boo and pulling the blanket down herself
-crawling to explore new spaces, if she knows we have purposely blocked an area off she is all over it
-checking to make sure she has an audience as she crawls towards new spaces
-sticking her thumb into the paci of her wubbanub Gerald
-chewing on those thick straps, high-chair, car seat, she finds them all
-pulling on any string or stretchy band she can get her hands on
-eating anything from her mesh feeder
-carrot puree
-patting everything to see what it does, she loves her pop-up toys
-playing Peek-a-Boo and pulling the blanket down herself
Health and Doctors:
Ella visited her pulmonolgist (lung doctor). Ella has been off of oxygen since September and this month we finally said good-bye to the collection of equipment we have been storing. Now we can enter our office without greeting the mess of tubing and machines. As Ella continues to grow and become more mobile there is potential for her Chronic Lung Disease to require more attention than it has recently. The doctor sent us home with a spacer and an inhaler. It can be used as needed to help support her breathing and lung function.
We visited the Scholl Hearing center to have a follow-up hearing screening. She did pass a check before we left the NICU, but it was important to check again. After two visits, she passed! They were able to get a wide range of frequencies tested. We will follow-up again in 6 months for good measure, but all looks good right now.
Ella received her 4th Synagis shot. The tears really flowed this time. We have one left for this season. Although it hurts my heart to see her in pain, I am thankful for the injection that can protect her respiratory system.
We visited the Scholl Hearing center to have a follow-up hearing screening. She did pass a check before we left the NICU, but it was important to check again. After two visits, she passed! They were able to get a wide range of frequencies tested. We will follow-up again in 6 months for good measure, but all looks good right now.
Ella received her 4th Synagis shot. The tears really flowed this time. We have one left for this season. Although it hurts my heart to see her in pain, I am thankful for the injection that can protect her respiratory system.
What we have been up to:
She has started to enjoy solids a bit more. Although I have been quite persistent, she doesn't yet share my love for avocados. Carrots are currently her favorite puree. She devours her oatmeal each morning. She gums everything she comes in contact with, we are sure teeth are around the corner, but no official sightings yet.
Ella is exploring her vocal capabilities. She says, "ma-ma-ma" and makes various other noises to let us know she is present. Thanks to an amazing friend, Ella has been introduced to a new batch of toys. She loves exploring them all.
Together we celebrated our first Galentine's Day. Don't worry, I didn't share any wine with her. :) We celebrated the evening with a baby-safe paint session. She loved squishing the paint down and chewing on the ziploc baggy. I loved watching her explore something new. Her Pops has already contacted her to commission another one of her paintings.
As I placed this year's Valentine's cards from Ross with my card collection I took a moment to re-read his card from last year. I found myself smiling and letting out a giggle as I read his words:
"This past year was full of trials and hard times. I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. This year will undoubtedly hold many more challenges. I'm looking forward to the journey though. Here is to another year of growth and support."
His words were written so tenderly after our year of job changes, surgeries, blood clots, injections, and finally becoming pregnant. Isn't life funny sometimes? Just when you think you have endured what you would consider tough times, life continues to roll out new surprises.
In one month, we will have a one-year-old. Yes, Ella is almost one! Before I became a mom, I always found the phrases such as, "in the blink of an eye," or "time flies," so cliche. Now, I find much validity in all statements concerning the time-flying concept. As I look through pictures in preparation for her first birthday, I stare in disbelief. Has it really been almost a year? How could it be? It does seem like just yesterday that she was entering our lives. In fact, one year ago we had just announced to our families that our baby was going to be a girl. A month later she joined us!
In celebration of babies world-wide we we will walking in the Tulsa March of Dimes, April 22nd, at ORU's campus. Please consider donating or joining us!
In addition, as a celebration of Ella turning one, we are collecting items to donate to the St. Francis NICU. I plan to donate the items on April 1st.
--swaddle blankets
--scrabook paper (used to create door signs on rooms)
--board books in the following titles: Goodnight Moon, On the Night You Were Born, Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You, The Little Engine That Could, On the Day You Were Born, Guess How Much I love You, and similar titles. I will be happy to pick up items from you. :)