Ella measures: almost 26 inches (will update after next appointment)
Milestones this month:
-turning one!
-pulling herself up to standing position
-standing while holding onto something
-reaching down from standing position to grab objects
-stranger anxiety...
Ella loves:
-blowing spit bubbles!
-splashing in the bathtub -guacamole
-banging objects together or banging them on the floor
-crawling ALL over the couch, her new trick is climbing on top of the pillows
-remotes, she now has her own, Ella sized
-exploring Cabela's magazines with Daddy
-stroller rides
-pulling herself up onto new objects
-pulling herself up onto new objects
-playing "high-five!" with grandpa
-exploring new surfaces and textures
Health and Doctors:
This past month was pretty quiet on the doctor visit front. Ella received her 5th and final synagis shot for this year. I am thankful she qualified for it, but also glad that the shots are over for the time being.
This past month was pretty quiet on the doctor visit front. Ella received her 5th and final synagis shot for this year. I am thankful she qualified for it, but also glad that the shots are over for the time being.
Next week, we will visit the developmental pediatrician and our regular pediatrician for Ella's one-year checkups.
We are still waiting for those teethers... she is showing all of the signs, minus the actual teeth popping up... maybe next month.
Chasing Ella around is our new favorite pastime. She enjoys the thrill of the chase and we are suckers for a cute baby. Ella recently discovered that she has more house than she thought she did. She has traveled from her room to the living room, roamed the kitchen, and made her way towards our master bath, drawn by the rushing sound of water running in the tub. The same sequence has occurred at Grandpa and Grandma's house where she spends her days while Mommy and Daddy are working.
The couch is Ella's official "rock wall". I am seriously considering finding a way to build her an actual one in the future. One of her favorite things to do is race to the top of the couch, clamoring over pillows and blankets, all because I say, "I'm gonna get you..." The best part of this game is the shriek of laughter that she lets out. While she is turned with her back towards me, I state her name stretching out the LA at the end, she turns back to look at me and giggles some more. I do not see either of us tiring of this game in the future, unless she actually figures out how to get to the top, which is possible.
Ella has finally started to love avocados! More specifically guacamole. She enjoys both baby version, avocado-cucumber-cumin, and the real deal. More importantly, she shares her mama's love for mashed potatoes. I mean what more could she need? She loves pears, sweet potatoes and carrots with cinnamon, and bananas. Her interest in self-feeding has picked up a bit. She successfully fed herself a few yogurt melts last night. The biggest smiled crossed her face as Ross and I clapped and cheered in what could be classified as your typical cliche proud parent moment. Yes, we yay'd in cute high-pitched voices with our faces scrunched up in excitement.
Bedtime is the puzzle that continues to perplex us as first-time parents. If your baby isn't sleeping well, certainly do not come to us for advice. Nighttime sleeping for Ella is comparable to solving a Rubix cube, we always seem to be just one color off. To soften the blow of the bedtime tantrum, I tell myself it is simply because she loves us so much and does not want to miss out. I am still trying to figure out who deemed 6 hours as a reasonable amount of sleep to be considered "sleeping through the night." Is it really sleeping through the night when you go to bed at 8 and wake up 2 in the morning? We might have a micro-preemie, but I am pretty sure every parent and I share common ground with my previous statement.
The weather is warming up around here, well at least a few days out of each week, and we are getting out and about. Walks to the park and listening to the birds outside in our tree are becoming more common activities. Ella visited her second restaurant, Yokozuna, where she enjoyed a nice plate of avocado slices. It felt way too "normal like" to be out at a restaurant enjoying lunch as a family.

It may have taken a year, but now when I reflect on the week of Ella's birth, I am able to appreciate all of the amazing things that happened. There is a saying that says, "It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful."
We had Ella's party on her actual birthday surrounded by our family. She turned one right in the middle of her party, 1:29 PM. I watched our little girl take it all in. I watched her smash a cupcake and crawl all over her presents studying each with intense curiosity. Joy filled the room.
In celebration of babies world-wide, we we will walking in the Tulsa March of Dimes, April 22nd, at ORU's campus. Please consider joining us for the walk, donating to the cause- or both.
***A special thank you to everyone who donated scrapbook paper and board books for the NICU. We collected 52 books!
Birthday photography by: Tiffany Tolbert.
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