Ella measures: 27.5 inches
Milestones this month:
-said, "ba-ba-ba"
-putting herself in sitting position and swiveling her legs around
-getting herself down from standing position without crashing
-repeats sounds we mimic that she has made
-feeding herself yogurt bites
Ella loves:
-feeding herself yogurt melts
-people watching
-plastic Easter eggs
-her paci Gerald
-drinking water from cups
-pulling herself up on new objects
Health and Doctors:
Ella has two teeth! Days after my last post, her two bottom teeth emerged. They are pretty cute! Her paci giraffe, Gerald, has made a comeback. Now that she has teeth, she can actually keep the paci in her mouth. She will drag that poor giraffe anywhere and everywhere.
Ella has two teeth! Days after my last post, her two bottom teeth emerged. They are pretty cute! Her paci giraffe, Gerald, has made a comeback. Now that she has teeth, she can actually keep the paci in her mouth. She will drag that poor giraffe anywhere and everywhere.
When we visited the developmental pediatrician, Ella was right in the middle of her ear infection and still not quite herself, but the doctor was able to complete the exam. She was pleased with the results. We will not need to see her again until after Ella's second birthday.
We returned to the eye doctor this month. The exam revealed that Ella's nearsightedness will require her to be fitted for glasses when we visit again in July. Overall, the laser surgery has done the job it was supposed too. All of her laser scars still look great. The laser scars will limit some of her side vision, but she does have strong central vision. The doctor reminded us that her eyes are extremely fragile. She should avoid high-impact sports when she is older.
What we have been up to:
Her curiosity continues to evolve. She can find things that are hidden and intensely studies new objects placed in her surroundings. We were recently at a friend's house. Ella was watching their dogs as they walked around her. Without hesitation she reached out to pet them.
We spent Easter weekend with family. Ella loved the plastic eggs. She could not get enough of them! The last weekend of her twelfth month was a busy one. Ella participated in her first March of Dimes walk. The cold weather caused much of the event to take place inside, but it was still wonderful! Her nurses, our family, and our friends joined us to celebrate Ella and all babies. She wore a onesie with the words: one pound miracle. I loved watching her take it all in. We baptized her the following day. Life is starting to feel much more normal around here. I finish up school this month and can't wait to spend my summer exploring with Ella.
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